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Mar 1, 2024

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Your car is your second biggest investment after your home, and like your home, you want to protect this investment. In the future, you may decide to sell your Ford to buy the latest model. As your Ford dealer, we want to help you protect your investment. These are some tips on how to maintain resale value.

Document All Services

Servicing is important for any vehicle, as parts will wear out and need replacement. Each Ford model has a particular service schedule that lists the services that should be completed at set intervals to keep your car performing at its best. The manual also carries the details of your car and has a place inside it to record the service history.

A good service history is one of the most important factors that affect a car’s sales value. A buyer is aware that a lack of regular maintenance can cause potential long-term damage to the engine, transmission, and other vital components. If you have an up-to-date service history to show a buyer, this will improve your car’s value. If these services were performed at a Ford service center, the buyer knows the work was correctly and expertly completed.

Regular Cleaning

A clean, fresh-smelling car makes you feel great, and regular cleaning is good for your car too. Your car’s exterior is exposed to heat, mud, and dirt, and as time passes, they will all contribute to the paint fading and even create nicks, scratches, and other damage. These markings can make an otherwise happy buyer rethink, as they suggest the vehicle is neglected and therefore must be in poor condition.

Regular washing will remove dirt, mud, and other items that can damage the paint. After your car has been washed and dried, follow this up with a coat of wax. A high-quality wax forms a strong protective layer against UV rays and other factors that harm the paint.

Watch the Mileage

You want to spend as much time behind the wheel as possible, but time at the wheel adds up, and your mileage can swiftly increase. The average driver travels 12,000 to 15,000 miles a year in their car, and a mileage of 20,000 miles or more in a year is considered heavy usage.

If you think you may want to sell your car at a later date, it’s advisable to watch the mileage. Usually, a mileage of 100,000 will cause the value to drop significantly, and it drops even further if the mileage exceeds 200,000 miles.

If you’d like to know more about how to protect your Ford’s resale value, visit us today at Conway Ford in Conway, SC.